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Column & Opinion

Apr 15, 20247 min read
Tax- The Policy that Ensure People’s legitimate benefits and Actual Free Society
Introduction Is tax theft? To answer this question, people have to consider property fundamentally. Tax is a policy in which states take...

Apr 15, 202412 min read
Strictly speaking, however, perfection does not gain by beauty, nor does beauty gain by perfection.
● Topic : “Strictly speaking, however, perfection does not gain by beauty, nor does beauty gain by perfection.” I. Kant (1790), Critique...

Apr 15, 20247 min read
Can it ever be morally acceptable to sacrifice an innocent person for some greater good?
The world revolves around constant sacrifice. Every choice is the loss of another. The relinquishment of certain goods will, in turn,...

Apr 15, 20241 min read
엘리트와 서울대 병(病)
지난해 4월 미국 명문 브라운대는 서울과학고를 졸업하고 컬럼비아대 학부를 졸업한 뒤 이 대학 물리학 박사 과정을 밟는 한국인 유학생이 도서관에서 뛰어내려 목숨을 끊자 발칵 뒤집어졌다. 학생들은 정신건강 상담 프로그램을 확대해 달라고 학교당국에...
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